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Admission day in a sentence

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Sentence count:10Posted:2020-10-19Updated:2020-10-19
Similar words: admissionreadmissionadmission feefree admissionadmission priceadmission chargeprice of admissionadmissiveMeaning: n. in some states of the United States: a legal holiday commemorating the day the state was admitted to the Union. 
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1 Admission day got straight linear correlation with hospitalization expenditure.
2 Admission day and postoperative rehabilitation condition were also alalysed.
3 Corresponding measures against neutrophil number in peripheral blood, admission day, recent infection and season have some feasibility.
4 Conclusions: Clinical indices such as oxygenation index, CT, body temperature of the admission day,[] BMI may suggest of ALI.
5 Oxygenation index, myocardial enzyme, BMI, body temperature of the admission day, albumin may suggest of ARDS.
6 Albumin, oxygenation index, myocardial enzyme, body temperature of the admission day, maximum body temperature in hospital, platelet may suggest of septic shock.
7 Oxygenation index, myocardial enzyme, CT, albumin, body temperature of the admission day, period from onset time to admission time may suggest of MODS.
8 Albumin, oxygenation index, myocardial enzyme, body temperature of the admission day, maximum body temperature in hospital, platelet may suggest of death.
9 Methods16 patients with stroke dysphasia communicated with carton cards, body signal. All the patients were assessed by Hamilton Depression Scale(HAMD) in admission day, one week and two weeks later.
10 The open reduction and internal fixation for just his acetabular fracture owing to the episode of massive bleeding during the operation on the 4(superscript th) admission day.
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